BABA VANGA Predicted an "intense period of flooding" in Australia and parts of Asia also predicted more earthquakes and tsunamis.
Vangelia Gushterova was the actual name of Baba Vanga, who also Predicted one more Pandemic, this one generated by a frozen virus that will be let go by climate change and found in SiberiaBaba Vanga Predicted corona virus in 1996 .
Her future predictions are that the Earth's orbit will change in 2023, human beings will visit Venus in 2028, Muslims will rule Europe in 2043, and the universe will end in 5079.
BABA VANGA future predictions include that the Earth's orbit will change in 2023, humans will visit Venus in 2028, Muslims will rule Europe in 2043, and the universe will finish in 5079.
The Bulgarian Govt had forced Baba Vanga to make a political prediction, then she told that many cities would experience water scarcity, which would have an impact on politics. At the same time, aliens occupying the planet would aggressively send an asteroid to search for life on Earth.